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Italy is a country with more than thirty centuries of history. It was indeed the headquarters of great civilizations that deeply influenced the evolution of the whole Western culture. Cradle of Etruscan civilization and home to important cultural and historical centers of Greek civilization, was the center of the Roman Empire for hundreds of years, dominated the western world.

Italy greatly influenced the cultural and social development of the whole Mediterranean Europe, and had much influence on European culture, because important cultures and civilizations existed in the country. 

 Is a southern European country that borders the north with France, Switzerland,Austria and Slovenia, whose main area form a peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea and includes two large islands, Sicily and Sardinia. Suffered historically, the influenceof the Etruscans, Greeks and Celts before being unified in 262 before Christ by Roman. Rome remains the capital of Italy today. The name "Italy" comes from ancient Rome. The Romans called the south of Italy the Italian Peninsula or Apennine, which means "land of oxen" or "land of pastures. "


Aluna: Milena ADM 302.