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Italy has a population of 58 million and its GDP $ 1.8 trillion (2008).According to the GDP, Italy was the seventh largest economy in 2006 and the fourth largest in Europe. Italy has a powerful economy, gastronomy and tourist hub, and one of the major fashion centers, along with France. Growth rate pop.: 0.07% (2005). The life expectancy at birth is an average of 79 years. According to the OECD in 2004, Italy was the sixth largest exporter of manufactured products in the world. This economy remains divided into a developed industrial north, dominated by private companies, and a less developed and agricultural south. Index of Economic Freedom 2008 the country was ranked 64th of 162 countries, or 29 ° from 41 European countries, the lowest score of the EU-15 and behind many former socialist European countries. According to World Bank data, Italy has high levels of freedom to invest, do business, and commerce. Moreover, this country is an inefficient bureaucracy, relatively low property rights and high levels of corruption (compared with other European countries), high taxes and big government consumption of about half of GDP. Most raw materials needed to Italian industries, and over 75% of energy needs are imported. Over the last decade, Italy has pursued a tight fiscal policy in order to satisfy the requirements of the Economic and Monetary Union and has benefited from low interest rates and inflation. Italy joined the Euro from its introduction on the block in 1999.


Aluna: Paola Barth ADM 302